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Article V Advocates

This list is provided for information purposes only. Inclusion here should not be construed as an endorsement of any organization's aims or objectives.


The Article V Coalition

A coalition of advocates supporting various Article V initiatives. Click here to view the Coalition's YouTube Channel.


Balanced Budget Now!

Educating state legislators, members of Congress, and the general public regarding the dire state of our nation’s finances, and potential solutions which include a Balanced Budget Amendment proposed by Congress or the states via convention.


The Bill of Financial Responsibilities Project

A comprehensive package of financial reforms focused on federal accounting & spending, taxation, and securing Medicare and Social Security.


Campaign Constitution

Supporting an Article V Convention to propose specific amendments to reform how government operates (no policy matters). Visitors to the website may vote on and prioritize amendment proposals.


Citizen Initiatives

Working to convene an Article V Convention to propose a countermand amendment giving a supermajority of state legislatures the authority to reverse unpopular laws and regulations enacted by the federal government.


Convention of States Project

A national grassroots advocacy campaign to call an Article V Convention to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government and impose spending controls and term limits on its officials.


Let Us Vote for a Fiscal Responsibility Amendment Campaign

Lobbying Congress to choose a state convention with elected, pledged delegates as the method of ratification for a future fiscal responsibility amendment.


The Phoenix Correspondence Commission

The PCC is an official government entity formed to give the states a vehicle to communicate with one another and with Congress on Article V matters. It is not an advocacy organization, but a government forum for the states to interact with Congress with a common voice. Legislators may contact Executive Director Bruce Lee at or 916-624-6476.


State Legislators Article V Caucus

A network of Article V-supporting sitting and former state legislators spanning the 50 states.


US Term Limits

Working for term limits on members of Congress through either a congressionally- or state convention-proposed amendment. 


Wolf-PAC Free & Fair Elections

Using the power of our Constitution to fix corruption and restore a government of, by and for the people.


© 2022 by Path To Reform, part of the Campaign Constitution

effort to reform our government

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